If needed, we can bring down the hardness but not too much as the feather effect might expose parts of the designated area.Now the clone stamp tool is attached to the tracker so it will move accordingly, perfectly covering the designated area in the footage Next, we need to go back in the layer track panel and in the view section, we’ll switch back to Paint.It’s important to notice that keyframes are being pasted on the current position of the time indicator so it’s vital to bring the cursor to the beginning of the composition in the timeline area Then we’ll move down to the position property of the Clone Stamp tool and we’re going to paste the keyframes.Next, we need to bring down the properties of the footage layer by pressing on the little arrow next to the layer and we’ll select the “Attach Point” of the track point and we’ll copy the keyframes by pressing Ctrl+C (Command+C) and macOS.We’ll click “track motion” and move the tracking point on top of the tracking point from the scene In the layer panel we’ll choose the view to “none”, and we’ll bring up the tracker by choosing window-tracker.We’ll need to animate the position of the paint stroke Now, scrubbing through the video, we see that our paint stroke stays in the same area and it doesn’t move.This will result in pixels from the sample area being painted on top of the designated painting area When I click on the clone icon in the toolbox, the rubber stamp icon does not appear and the cloning does not appear to work. Once the sampling has been done, position the brush tool over the tracking point and click. I am new to Photoshop (using Photoshop 7), and I seem to have 'lost' the clone tool.We now need to alt-click on option-click on macs on a clean area to select a sample area to paint on the top of the motion tracker Next, we’ll bring down the hardness property a bit, so we can have a bit of feather on the edges We’ll choose the brush panel and extend the window if needed, so we can see better Choose the clone stamp tool from the panel and if the panel doesn’t automatically open you can bring it up by pressing the “Toggle the Paint panels” button.We’ll replace the motion tracking points with green from the rest of the background and for this example we’ll choose this point.In this example we’ll remove the motion tracking points from this scene, so we can then obtain a perfect chroma key

To use the clone stamp tool we need to open the layer panel so double-click on the footage to do that First, select import-file and choose your video and create a new composition by dragging it onto the new comp button at the bottom of the Project Panel.

Tried reinstalling V22 to see if it would get the clone stamp tool working. Did have V21 installed and the clone stamp tool still worked fine with that. Clone stamp tool selects part of image in previous normal way but will not paste where directed. Let go ahead and take a look at this tool in action Photoshop 22: Clone Stamp Tool not working. This tool works similarly with the clone stamp tool from Adobe Photoshop and it’s usually used to remove objects from different shots. In After Effects you can replace pixels from a scene with pixels from another scene by using the Clone Stamp tool.